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First Macao film festival, under Marco Mueller, to roll on Dec 8

  • Gautaman Bhaskaran, Hindustan Times
  • Updated: Jul 13, 2016 13:58 IST
Macao film festival will be headed by Marco Mueller who steered the Venice Film Festival for eight years in the early 2000. (Macao film festival)

The common joke among film critics is that there are 365 movie festivals a year, one a day! The latest to get on to this bandwagon is the one coming up in Macao -- the fourth in the region after Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong. While Shanghai has sparkled, Beijing has been tottering. Hong Kong, however, is better known for its market.

Now, the inaugural edition of International Film Festival and Awards Macao will roll from December 8 to 13, and will be headed by Marco Mueller. He steered the Venice Film Festival for eight years in the early 2000, literally pulling it out of the Adriatic Sea, and later Mueller headed the Beijing International Film Festival for a single session in 2015. Later the same year, he was associated with the Silk Road International Film Festival at Fuzhou.

Read: Jude Law’s The Young Pope to premiere at Venice film fest

Mueller said in a note that the Macao festival would have a strong focus on genre titles, and would include a competition. There would of course be red carpet galas, master classes, education initiatives, co-production facility and country focus. There would be a section on Asian cinema and a panorama of award-winning pictures from major festivals the world over.

Read: Venice Film Festival to open with Hollywood musical La La Land

About 10 movies will compete and they will be judged by a five-member jury.

India’s Deepti D’Cunha will be one of the international programmers. Some of the others here will be Tomito Mikiko from Japan, Shang Dongbing from China, Sandra Hebron (UK and USA) and Diego Lerer, representing Latin America.

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